Considering our mental health, has become a hugely topical issue in recent times, discussed much more openly than in the past and especially during lockdown and with Mental Health Awareness theme of nature this year this felt like it was a good time to share experiences and how nature and gardens really help.
Spring Cannot Be Cancelled by David Hockney
After a year of so many challenges, there is no doubt that nature and our gardens have had a huge impact on us all. We appreciate nature and what it presents to us, changing every day and presenting constant progression in life in its positive and colourful way. This is something many artist have truly embraced in their work, someone like David Hockney has always created so much of his work around the ever-changing nature and his show celebrate nature and its positive effects on our lives and visions. Really looking at shadows, colour changing scenes from hour to hour!

Brian Parker is another artist who’s work is inspired by nature, not so much in subject matter but by its ever changing moments that relax and motivate the long painting sessions.
Virtual Chelsea Flower Show 2021
Now we can also celebrate the joy of the Chelsea Flower Show and its return in some way. So many people will be missing this wonderful traditional show but at least we can enjoy some of its beauty this week to be inspired about how to improve not only our gardens but also our mental health.
Chelsea Flower Show 2021 – Full schedule and how to watch it online
Gardening for health and wellbeing
There are some inspirational stories of those that have found gardening such a great help on the RHS site which are so good to read.
Many talk of mindfulness and this can mean living in the moment – the garden wakes you up and provides a break from life. The garden is relaxing, you can see new things all the time and be inspired by the changes.
So yes we can say gardening and nature are a huge help for your mental health, gradually helping to tackle the elements that may have held you back from being fully you and help you to get back into the world.
So get out there, whether it’s a window box, a balcony or appreciative walks in the park – nature is rather special and can help us all to be happier people.