Beloved by his fans not only for his musicianship as leader of The Cardiacs but also as one of music’s kindest souls, the death of Tim Smith was announced today. The genesis of the band began in 1977 though it wasn’t until 1980 that they finally settled on their moniker. Whilst never achieving true ‘break-out’ mainstream success, their singles, eight studio albums (and seemingly endless live albums and bootlegs, a testament the their memorable live performances) kept their fanbase fiercely loyal for thirty years and proved to be an influence on many bands, from such unlikely bedfellows as Blur, Foetus and Faith No More.
It was with cruel irony that a heart attack left Tim with a condition called dystonia, causing problems with movement, speech and painful spasms in his body. Stepping back from the band in 2008, he was candid about his struggles which he documented in a book about the band.
As reported by The Quietus and Sonic News
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